The Heart Rock Blog
This was a fantastic email sent from a dear friend and coach. Enjoy! ... |
Guess what? Today is the one year birthday of
I am delighted to bring to you the wisdom of Furkhan Dandia! Enjoy!The Science... |
Right now, there are fires destroying huge communities in California. My High School....gone. My...
Since we are days away from a New year to explore. Before the whistles sing and the fireworks...
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a wonderful holy...
Thankful For the Healing
Every injury, every hurt, can be a place for healing. Or it...
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
I hope today you will spend time reflecting on all you are thankful...
Are you ready?
Close your eyes.
Count to 3. One….two….three…..
What's That in Your Pocket?
What’s precious to you?
What’s that special thing you...
You Can't Hold the Wind
And there's a lot of power in a whirlwind! It's been one of those types...
Happy Halloween! Which do you prefer? A trick? Or a treat?