The Heart Rock Blog

What Is Your Super Power? Jul 25, 2024

What Is Your Super Power?

What is your super power? Truly! Do you know yours? Do you...

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My Sister Died, Sending Her Off Jul 18, 2024


My sister died. We think of complications with Alzheimer’s.

She was the last holder...

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Learning Joy Through an Otter Jul 11, 2024



Do you love otters?



A moment when every changes?


A friend...

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I've Lost Independence Jul 04, 2024

I Am An Inconvenience 


I have lost my independence. And here it is the 4th!  I...

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Life isn’t fair. Jun 27, 2024


We want it to be at times.  When it would serve us.  But who ever told you life...

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Do You Let Go? Jun 20, 2024


Do you let go?

What do you think when I ask that?

Is that giving up?


Does it make...

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100% is easier than 99% Jun 13, 2024

Do you think that’s true?  That a 100% is easier than 99%?  I didn’t think...

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7 TYPES OF REST May 30, 2024

I just heard there are 7 types of rest.




And one of the first facts is that...

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WHY ME? May 23, 2024

Why me?


Instead of why NOT me?


Yikes!  Does that distinction come out of that...

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TOXIC May 16, 2024

How often do you hear someone labeled as toxic?  Our world has chosen to cling to that...

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Life Within Us May 09, 2024


As we get older and life goes on, it seems that there are more and more ways that we...

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We all need hugs May 02, 2024


We all need hugs?

Don’t you?

Do you get enough of them?

I don’t.


But I...

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