The Heart Rock Blog

Get That Thought OUT of Your Head! 2023 anxiety communication compassion depression fear healing mindfulness Oct 19, 2023





What is wrong with me?

Why am I so stupid?

Why can’t I...

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I HATE My People Pleasing Pitfalls! 2023 anxiety choices communication fear Oct 12, 2023


Do you have them too?  Do you sacrifice yourself so others may like you?

Do you feel...

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What Is Your Body Screaming? 2023 anxiety communication connection Oct 05, 2023



That's heard me.  So, now that I’ve got your...

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Charity Brings Miracles choices communication compassion connection Sep 28, 2023

We are currently in one of our most pressing times globally, financially, and ecologically. ...

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So You Are Doing A Ted Talk? 2023 communication compassion connection Sep 21, 2023



It’s getting close!  I give my TedX talk on Saturday!  Will you...

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Do You Forgive? 2023 choices communication compassion connection Sep 07, 2023

Forgiveness.  Ugh.  We are told we are to forgive.  We are told we aren’t...

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Sometimes You Just Need To Move 2023 choices depression growth Aug 24, 2023

Sometimes You Just Need To Move.


I was deeply depressed freshman year of...

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Holding Back Within Your Skin? 2023 choices compassion connection fear love worry Aug 10, 2023

A couple years back, I went to China with my daughter. It was a fascinating experience because...

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YOU DON'T LISTEN! 2023 communication compassion connection growth intimacy Aug 03, 2023



“I said, Hello”.


“I SAID hello. Why...

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Does this HURT or HELP? 2023 anxiety choices communication compassion connection growth mindfulness Jul 27, 2023

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts" – Marcus...

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How do you Overcome Objections? choices communication connection Jul 20, 2023

How do you Overcome objections?  


Think about it?  How do you do this with...

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It's All Preference and Tastebuds! 2023 anxiety choices connection mindfulness Jul 13, 2023

Last week I talked about being labeled “too small.”

It makes me think of Goldilocks...

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