The Heart Rock Blog

I HATE LABELS! 2023 choices connection Jul 06, 2023

Do you have a hard time with labels? 

I have never liked labeling. It can seem confining,...

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DON"T SHOVE ME!!!! The force and wisdom in resistance. 2023 communication compassion connection intimacy relationship Jun 29, 2023


What happens when I say the word 




Did you kind of...

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The Urgency of Time 2023 anxiety communication mindfulness Jun 22, 2023

The Urgency of Time


“Do not allow yourself to be full of hate, princess. 


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What Makes a Relationship Last? 2023 communication compassion connection growth healing intimacy relationship Jun 15, 2023

What Makes a Relationship Last?


I love relationships.

I love relating and learning and...

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People Pleasing on Steroids! choices compassion Jun 08, 2023

Are you a people pleaser?  Do you live to impact others?  Does that drive you? ...

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Illuminate This Wounded World 2023 choices compassion healing love Jun 01, 2023

I love this poem.  I love this truth.


"Love is not something you win;

it is something...

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How to Massively Change in Only 5 Steps 2023 choices easter growth strength May 25, 2023

How to Massively Change in Only 5 Steps


Deep breath.  I am going to lay it out direct...

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Burnout, Overwhelm, and Exhaustion 2023 anxiety choices growth healing wisdom May 18, 2023

Burnout, Overwhelm, and Exhaustion


Most of the calls and messages I receive say….

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Life Within Life 2023 growth life transitions love May 11, 2023

As we get older and life goes on, it seems that there are more and more ways that we decide or...

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Do You Worry Too Much? 2023 anxiety choices fear mindfulness worry May 04, 2023

Do You Worry Too Much?


“Well, I don’t know, but I worry about worrying.”...

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I Am Too Big 2023 mindfulness wisdom Apr 27, 2023

I Am Too Big


Has that ever happened to you?  

Have you been told you are too big...

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I Fell in Love With a Beauty Queen 2023 choices compassion Apr 20, 2023

I fell in love with a beauty queen.  Really, really I did!  In the midst of doing some...

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